James Gardens

James Gardens, on the west bank of the Humber River, is known for its flower gardens, stone pathways and mature trees. In 1908, Fred T. James purchased the land and for the next 40 years he carefully transformed his property into a picturesque garden where public visitors were always welcome. Before their main home was built in 1927, James lived in the coach-house that still stands next door. The terraces and collection pools were built almost 50 years ago.

A path at the entrance

My Bicycle, most of the pictures on this Blog were taken from my Bicycle

Blue Jay at James Gardens

Blue Jay, James Gardens

Common Grackle. James Gardens


Geese I

Geese II

Duck II


Racoon I

Racoon II

Racoon III

Squirrel I

Geese I

Geese II

Geese III

Squirrel II

White Egret
